Understanding the Different Types of Workplace Personality Tests
Understanding your personality type is crucial for workplace insights. Personality tests assess traits like communication, decision-making, and problem-solving. Explore popular tests in this article to gain valuable work style insights.

Ever wondered what your personality says about your work style? Understanding your personality type can provide valuable insights into your workplace operations. Whether you're a team player, natural leader, or creative thinker, a personality test can help you professionally uncover your strengths and weaknesses.
In today's competitive job market, employers are increasingly using personality tests as a tool to assess job candidates and build effective teams. These tests are designed to measure various aspects of an individual's personality, such as their communication style, decision-making abilities, and problem-solving skills. By understanding your personality traits, you can better understand how you fit into the workplace and how to maximize your potential.
Taking a personality test for the workplace can be an eye-opening experience. It can help you identify your unique strengths and areas for improvement, allowing you to become a more self-aware and effective employee. In this article, we will explore the most popular workplace personality tests and provide recommendations for finding the right test for you. So, if you're ready to gain valuable insights into your work style, read on.

What is a Personality Test?
Personality tests are assessments of individual character traits and can be used in a variety of contexts. In workplaces, they are a key tool for getting to know applicants better before hiring and can provide valuable insight into how somebody could fit into the dynamic of an existing team. In personal lives, they can be a useful indicator of possible psychological issues that need addressing or help identify communication styles that may lead to positive connections with others. Over the years, many different personality tests have been developed for use both in professional and personal scenarios.

How Personality Testing is Helpful in The Workplace
Personality testing can be a handy tool in the workplace for potential employers assessing candidates and individuals seeking to understand themselves more deeply.
Self-awareness can give an individual a considerable advantage when it comes to exploring different career possibilities, ensuring compatibility between an individual and potential job opportunities.
The insight gained from taking a personality test could help an individual better understand their own skills and interests, which can be extremely helpful when deciding on a course of study or starting new career paths. Furthermore, knowing your character traits may allow you to put forward qualities your employer will likely value when applying for jobs. It can also highlight areas needing improvement, such as communication or organizational skills. Taking a personality test is an invaluable tool in the workplace that can help shape long-term ambitions, identify promising career paths, and enhance existing skillsets.
Most Popular Workplace Personality Tests
While there are many different kinds of personality tests, here is a list of the most popular tests for use in the workplace:
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the world's most widely used personality tools. It helps people identify their preferences in four main categories: introversion or extraversion; sensing or intuition; thinking or feeling; and judging or perceiving. This assessment provides valuable insight, as it reveals how an individual may react to different types of situations and people. Participants take a brief questionnaire that considers their reactions to hypothetical scenarios. This allows them to understand better how they interact with others and the personality type they come closest to fitting.
The MBTI was created by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers following years of research into human personality. As each person's mindset can vary greatly, this assessment provides an efficient method for learning more about oneself without relying solely on guesswork and subjective thought. Understanding these differences can help individuals develop more meaningful connections with one another and provide them with an equally powerful means of further self-discovery.
The CliftonStrengths assessment is an invaluable tool that can be used to determine a person's individual traits and strengths. It assesses thirty-four different themes related to personality, from which strengths and raw traits can be identified, allowing an individual to develop or build on these facets to fully reach their potential. In addition, CliftonStrengths offers certified coaching programs that are designed for both individuals and teams. These coaches help people understand how combining their personal traits will ultimately enhance group performance and overall success.
Where to take this assessment is simple; users just need to visit the official website and purchase the assessment directly. With comprehensive guides and results, using CliftonStrengths can greatly benefit anyone who wants to learn about themselves in much greater detail and receive advice on how best to apply these newly discovered resources towards making life changes for the better.
True Colors
The True Colors personality test is an assessment that assigns test takers a color that best describes their temperament. This idea was created by Don Lowry in 1978 as a means of creating four different learning styles for at-risk youth, depending on their personalities. The colors Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue represent energetic and charming people, punctual and organized individuals, analytical and visionary team members, and compassionate and empathetic people, respectively.
It is important to note that the True Colors test does not confine individuals to just one type but considers the effects of the environment around them on their personalities. It seeks to identify motivators that can help in interpersonal conflicts occurring within homes, workplaces, or other group settings. You can visit its website online to take the free True Colors assessment. The assessment ultimately provides personalized feedback based on the participants’ results to conclude which color most accurately summarizes them as a person and a professional.
Holland Code Career Test
The Holland Code Career Test is designed to help individuals identify their ideal job or career path. It uses the Holland Code model to determine which careers best match a person's preferences and interests. The test begins with users indicating their interest in completing various tasks, such as repairing a dishwasher or keeping financial records. After responding, the results are broken down into six areas – building, thinking, creating, helping, persuading, and organizing – showing individuals which career tasks they enjoy most. The analysis also highlights core values and key personality traits needed for success in corresponding careers.
Overall, this test provides an excellent way to assess career interests and figure out necessary considerations regarding specific jobs and industries. It helps users align with their preferred career and evaluates the skillsets required to achieve long-term success in those professions. Whether you're trying to get ahead in your current role or exploring new paths elsewhere, the Holland Code Career Test can be very useful in determining appropriate solutions.
DiSC is a popular personality quiz used to measure four types of behavior in individuals or teams: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. The test results will show the different levels of each attribute one has and usually highlight the main personality type as superior. This assessment style was created by William Moulton Marston, a physiological psychologist, and first appeared in his book “Emotions of Normal People” in 1928. From his perspective, DiSC was an attempt to provide more tangible measurement of psychological experiences that could be observed and recorded.
The idea behind DiSC is to identify how people behave in different working situations to better understand their strengths and weaknesses in relationships, collaboration within teams, communication styles and even problem-solving strategies. It can help teams understand who may be naturally suited for certain roles while gaining insight into potential areas of improvement that require further development. In modern business contexts, organizations increasingly utilize the DiSC test within their recruitment processes to gain a clearer insight into an individual’s potential place within its culture and the workplace dynamics that define it.
Emotional Intelligence Test
The emotional intelligence test is an essential and often overlooked assessment of one's level of emotional stability – particularly in more demanding work settings or group activities. It assesses not only instinctive reactions but also higher-order problem-solving capabilities in times of stress. As the importance of EQ (emotional intelligence) has been highlighted in recent years, employers have highly sought after it. In fact, a study reports that 59% of employers would not hire someone with a high IQ and low EQ, making this kind of assessment essential for those who want to get their foot in the door when it comes to job prospects.
Fortunately, accessing the Emotional Intelligence test as part of Workstyle's 8 personality tests makes getting an accurate assessment easy and accessible. Those seeking employment can benefit from knowing their baseline scores before entering the field – even going so far as to use it as a competitive advantage over fellow applicants. From assessing anger management techniques to evaluating your response under pressure, taking time for an additional test could make all the difference – especially since these markers are becoming increasingly influential during hiring processes.
Eysenck Personality Test
The Eysenck Personality Test, developed by pioneering personality researcher Hans Eysenck, is an assessment of the three elements that affect a person’s character: extroversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. While the term ‘psychoticism’ can evoke negative connotations, research has suggested a strong connection between this trait and creativity; individuals high in psychoticism may be more suitable for jobs involving artistry and ingenuity.
Individuals interested in taking the Eysenck Personality Test can easily access it online. Those seeking feedback from their scores can seek guidance from a certified psychologist to fully understand how their test results will manifest themselves in their personalities and behavior. It is important to note that while the results from this test may provide useful insights about possible career paths, they are not absolute facts and should always be taken with a grain of salt.
The Enneagram is a popular psychological system that identifies and categorizes human personalities based on nine interconnected types. It has become highly popular in spirituality and the business world as it can be used to gain self-reflection and insight into others. The nine types of the Enneagram are reformer, helper, achiever, individualist, investigator, loyalist, enthusiast, challenger, and peacemaker. Each type is accompanied by its own strengths and weaknesses, such as being judgmental or overly dominant.
Taking an Enneagram test is easy; you can find it online on Truity. It will allow you to better understand yourself and identify underlying motivations and outlooks that may otherwise be quite difficult to pinpoint. By understanding your particular type, you’ll also have more insight into others who share it with you. Most importantly, you’ll gain a broader perspective of both yourself and those around you which can lead to more positive outcomes in various aspects of your life.
Hogan Personality Inventory
The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) is a popular choice for business community members needing an assessment to indicate their strengths and weaknesses accurately. The HPI has been measuring the capacity for individuals to get along and get ahead in life, education, career, and relationships since it was first introduced over forty years ago. The nearly 200 questions posed by this test make it easy for HR managers and recruiters to use this as a pre-employment testing tool to determine who may have the highest potential to succeed in a life or job position.
It isn't just businesses that are utilizing the HPI either; half a million candidates have already taken it around the globe. This test helps predict employee performance, increase employee retention rates, and improve customer service. With such broad uses, this test has become essential to any business trying to distinguish between qualified candidates and bad hires.
Big 5 Personality Test
The Big 5 Personality Test is a great way for people to better understand their behavior and personality traits. This survey requires participants to rate the accuracy of 60 different statements on a scale from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” By doing this, people can learn more about themselves and how they relate to others. The questions cover five major categories: close-minded or open to new experiences; disorganized or conscientious; introverted or extroverted; agreeable or disagreeable; and emotionally stable or unstable.
The test measures each of these characteristics to provide users with a comprehensive look at their personalities. Being aware of one's personality type can be useful for many reasons: it can improve communication within interpersonal relationships, allow for better self-awareness, and help set realistic goals based on individual tendencies. Overall, the Big 5 Personality Test is highly recommended for anyone looking to understand themselves and others around them better.
The Keirsey Assessment is a valuable career test that has been around for over seventy years now. It is based on the research and findings of Dr. David Keirsey, who published the bestselling book, Please Understand Me®. This assessment was designed to help understand one’s temperament, character, leadership abilities, working environment, team dynamics, learning styles, career paths, and relationships.
At the core of this assessment are four main temperaments: Guardian, Idealist, Rationals, and Artisan. Each of these temperaments has their own personality traits and behaviors that makeup what is known as their “temperament type”. Determining an individual’s temperament type requires completing an in-depth questionnaire that provides results on different aspects such as decision-making style or preference for communication techniques. The insights gained from this evaluation can be used to identify what sort of job would fit best with an individual's temperament or how they should interact within team settings. Furthermore, it can also help individuals realize certain aspects about themselves they may not have previously grasped so deeply, enabling them to understand better and develop their strengths, which will benefit them greatly in life professionally or personally.

Common Team Personality Test Questions
Team personality tests are designed to uncover a person's temperament and preferences to identify how they fit within a team dynamic of understanding and collaboration. Examining common questions like the ones listed above can help determine an individual's aptitude and potential suitability on a team.
Questions such as whether or not someone likes meeting new people, if they like helping people out, or how they respond when blamed for something they didn't do can show a level of sociability, willingness to collaborate, and a sense of accountability.
Similarly, questions about how long it takes someone to calm down when angry and if they set up long-term goals allow one to gauge patience and ability to problem solve over extended periods – two important considerations in nearly all teams. Answering these commonly asked questions honestly can also foster stronger relationships between team members since everyone is more aware of the other’s strengths and weaknesses.
How Much Value Should You Place on a Personality Test?
Personality tests are a helpful tool for understanding ourselves, our coworkers, and our friends better. However, it is important to emphasize their results properly when dealing with other people. Using a personality test to dictate your entire perception of someone is not recommended, as other factors such as character traits and past experiences should be taken into account. Without 100% honest answers, the results of a personality type may not accurately reflect that individual's true characteristics.
While it can be easy to disregard the nuances in favor of neat labels offered by a personality test, everyone is unique, with distinctive nuances that deserve consideration beyond what any test result may reveal. It takes time and effort to get to know someone’s complete essence; even then, there will always be something mysterious about them. That being said, considering people's identified personality types can still be a useful guide when interacting with others. Ultimately, how much value you place on a personality test depends on how much you trust its ability to accurately gauge an individual's behavior and character traits in the context of real-life situations.
Which Personality Test Is Right For My Team?
When selecting a personality assessment for your team, various tools are available to help you discover more about your colleagues’ work styles and personalities. Tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and The DiSC Profile provide insight into how people interact in teams and how their traits influence team chemistry. Knowing each other’s interests is essential for successful team collaboration and communication. The Enneagram or Hogan Personality Inventory can be used to discover more about people’s preferences and core motivations.
Conducting a personality assessment can be used for more than just practical reasons, evaluating the strengths or weaknesses of an individual. Team assessments can also build a sense of camaraderie between colleagues that potentially would never interact with each other in professional settings. It allows everyone to get to know each other on a deeper level, fostering a culture where everyone understands and trusts one another, opening doors for better team dynamics, conversation, problem-solving, and ultimately productivity in the workplace.

Final Thoughts
Personality tests can be a powerful tool to improve team dynamics, foster team-building exercises, and harvest better job performance. Teams need to understand the purpose and strategies associated with workplace personality tests to ensure the maximum effectiveness of these assessments. Whether it be for discovering individual strengths and weaknesses, identifying potential career paths, or simply providing a fun way to build camaraderie between peers, incorporating personality tests into the workplace will undoubtedly benefit any type of organization at all levels.
Implementing some form of personality testing into one's organization could not hurt. It is an investment that will likely have tangible effects on employee motivation and increased productivity. By understanding the different types of assessments available and their applications, managers can gain insight into their staff’s personalities and see the hidden opportunities for success within their teams. Whether as part of prehire examinations or just for fun activities during happy hours, experimenting with different assessment tools may lead to surprising improvements inside and outside the office walls.